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Para Showjumpers


Incorporating the Para Show Jumping Academy

The EJB Para Show Jumping Foundation has been set up by Dame Emma Jane Brown who feels passionately about para show jumping and wishes to support the riders and take the sport to the next level.

Emma has been mentor to blind show jumper Karen Law for the last few years fund-raising to buy Karen her horse Pearl while providing Karen with training and support.

Impressed by the talent of this inspiring group of riders, Emma wants to help to gain recognition and respect for the para show jumpers and help them advance their riding skills and careers.

By affording her experience of being a top international show jumping to the Foundation, which is a not for profit enterprise, and in turn the Academy which will offer training and competition, Emma will bring her understanding of the sport, her commercial know-how and above all compassion to her efforts. It is her aim to support Britain’s para show jumpers in whatever way she can in the firm belief that by coming together as a group everyone’s individual needs will be better met.

Here she explains what the EJB Para Show Jumping Foundation hopes to achieve:


  • To create a calendar of training and competition for British Para Show Jumpers
  • To elevate the quality of amenity and experience while at competitions
  • To gain recognition and respect
  • To provide mentoring and advice
  • To raise awareness of their achievements
  • To seek sponsorship when possible
  • To build a team of talented Para Show Jumpers with a view to competing at national and international level
  • To create a legacy for those riders that follow
  • To demonstrate the merits of Para Show jumping for the disabled
  • To ultimately lobby to make para show jumping an Olympic discipline

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The events at Arena UK have instigated significant change for the Para Show Jumpers who were provided with excellent training, competition and support.  It has raised the bar for the riders and the outcomes are exciting.  Over the next few months, the following will take place:

  1. Arena UK will become home to the para show jumpers – who will have the use of the facilities whenever they want  XXXXX
  1. Dame Emma Jane Brown will promote the para show jumpers and mentor or advise any rider who needs her help
  1. Arena UK in association with Emma Jane Brown will host a training weekend in May date tbc
  1. The Equine Sports Championships at Arena UK on 4-7 August this year will now include para show jumping classes